Unido to aid china in fighting covid 19

I think you meant "United" instead of "unido".

Yes, the United Nations has been actively working with China to support its efforts in fighting COVID-19. Here are some examples:

  1. UN Secretary-General's visits: UN Secretary-General António Guterres has visited China twice to express solidarity and offer support in the fight against COVID-19. During his visits, he met with Chinese leaders, including President Xi Jinping, to discuss cooperation and coordination.
  2. Global Coordination: The UN has been playing a key role in global coordination efforts to combat COVID-19. The UN Secretary-General has been chairing regular meetings of the International Health Regulations (IHR) Emergency Committee, which brings together experts from around the world to share information and coordinate responses.
  3. Technical assistance: The UN has provided technical assistance to China to support its response to COVID-19. This includes expertise in areas such as contact tracing, surveillance, and laboratory testing.
  4. Logistical support: The UN has also provided logistical support to China, including the deployment of medical teams and the transportation of medical supplies.
  5. Financial support: The UN has mobilized financial support for China's response to COVID-19, including through the World Health Organization's (WHO) Contingency Fund for Emergencies.
  6. Research and development: The UN has been supporting research and development efforts to combat COVID-19, including through the WHO's Research and Development Blueprint.

Some specific examples of UN-China cooperation include:

Overall, the UN has been working closely with China to support its efforts to combat COVID-19 and mitigate its impact on the country and the world.