Unicef supports kano basic education effort

That's great to know!

UNICEF has indeed been supporting the Kano State Government's efforts to improve basic education in the state. Here are some examples of their collaboration:

  1. Improving Access to Education: UNICEF has been working with the Kano State Government to increase access to education, particularly for marginalized and disadvantaged children. This includes supporting the construction of new schools, renovation of existing ones, and provision of educational materials.
  2. Teacher Training: UNICEF has been providing training and capacity-building programs for teachers in Kano State to improve their skills and knowledge in teaching methods, classroom management, and child-centered education.
  3. Education in Emergency Response: UNICEF has been supporting the Kano State Government's response to emergencies, such as conflicts and natural disasters, to ensure that children's education is not disrupted.
  4. Girl Child Education: UNICEF has been working to promote girls' education in Kano State, recognizing the importance of education for girls' empowerment and development.
  5. Community Engagement: UNICEF has been engaging with local communities in Kano State to promote education and encourage parents to prioritize their children's education.

Some specific projects that UNICEF has supported in Kano State include:

  1. The Kano State Basic Education Development Plan, which aims to improve access to quality education for all children in the state.
  2. The UNICEF-Kano State Government Partnership, which focuses on improving education outcomes, particularly for girls and marginalized children.
  3. The Education in Emergency Response project, which provides support to children affected by conflicts and natural disasters in Kano State.

Overall, UNICEF's support to Kano State's basic education efforts is aimed at improving the quality and accessibility of education for all children in the state.