Unicef new york

UNICEF New York!

UNICEF (United Nations Children's Fund) is a global organization that provides humanitarian and developmental aid to children and mothers around the world. The UNICEF New York office is one of the organization's largest and most important offices, serving as the headquarters for UNICEF's operations in the United States.

Here are some key facts about UNICEF New York:

Mission: UNICEF New York works to save children's lives, fight for their rights, and help them fulfill their potential. The office focuses on supporting UNICEF's global programs, advocating for children's rights, and raising funds to support UNICEF's work.

Programs: UNICEF New York supports a range of programs, including:

  1. Emergency Response: UNICEF New York responds to humanitarian crises around the world, providing life-saving aid to children and families affected by conflict, natural disasters, and other crises.
  2. Vaccination: UNICEF New York works to protect children from vaccine-preventable diseases, such as measles, polio, and COVID-19.
  3. Education: UNICEF New York supports education programs, including literacy, numeracy, and skills training, to help children develop the skills they need to succeed.
  4. Health: UNICEF New York works to improve children's health, including providing access to clean water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) facilities, as well as supporting maternal and child health programs.

Advocacy: UNICEF New York advocates for children's rights and interests at the United Nations, with governments, and with the public. The office works to raise awareness about the issues affecting children, such as poverty, inequality, and violence.

Fundraising: UNICEF New York raises funds to support UNICEF's global programs, through a variety of channels, including corporate partnerships, individual donations, and special events.

Staff: The UNICEF New York office is staffed by a team of dedicated professionals, including program officers, advocacy specialists, fundraising experts, and administrative staff.

Location: UNICEF New York is located in Midtown Manhattan, with offices at 3 United Nations Plaza, New York, NY 10017.

Contact: If you're interested in learning more about UNICEF New York or getting involved, you can contact the office at www.unicef.org/newyork or [email protected].