Uncut news

You're looking for uncut news, which means you want to access news articles or videos without any editing or censorship. Here are a few options:

News Websites:

  1. The Intercept: A non-profit news organization that publishes unedited, in-depth reporting on national security, politics, and more.
  2. The Daily Beast: A news website that publishes unedited articles and videos on politics, entertainment, and culture.
  3. The Nation: A progressive news magazine that publishes unedited articles and commentary on politics, social justice, and more.

Video News Platforms:

  1. YouTube: While YouTube has its own editorial guidelines, you can find many uncut news videos from various sources, including independent journalists and news organizations.
  2. Bitchute: A video-sharing platform that allows users to upload unedited content, including news videos.
  3. LBRY: A decentralized video-sharing platform that allows users to upload and share unedited content, including news videos.


  1. The Ben Swann Report: A podcast that provides unedited, in-depth reporting on news and current events.
  2. The Corbett Report: A podcast that covers a wide range of topics, including news, politics, and conspiracy theories.
  3. The Vin Armani Show: A podcast that features unedited interviews with experts and whistleblowers on various topics.

News Aggregators:

  1. Google News: A news aggregator that collects articles from various sources, including unedited news articles.
  2. NewsNow: A news aggregator that collects articles from various sources, including unedited news articles.

Remember to always verify the credibility of the sources you use to access uncut news, as some sources may have biases or agendas.