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Here are the latest news updates from UN News:

Top Stories

  1. UN chief urges global action to address climate crisis: In a stark warning, UN Secretary-General António Guterres has called for immediate and collective action to address the climate crisis, which he described as "a defining issue of our time".
  2. UN agencies sound alarm over worsening humanitarian crisis in Yemen: The UN has sounded the alarm over the worsening humanitarian crisis in Yemen, where millions of people are at risk of famine, disease, and displacement.
  3. UN rights chief urges action to end violence against women: The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights has urged governments and societies to take immediate action to end violence against women, which she described as a "pandemic" that affects one in three women worldwide.

Recent News

  1. UN agencies launch joint appeal for $1.2 billion to support refugees and host communities: The UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) and the World Food Programme (WFP) have launched a joint appeal for $1.2 billion to support refugees and host communities in 2023.
  2. UN chief welcomes agreement on Iran nuclear deal: UN Secretary-General António Guterres has welcomed the agreement on the Iran nuclear deal, which he described as a "significant step forward" for international diplomacy.
  3. UN agencies sound alarm over rising hunger and malnutrition in Africa: The UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the World Food Programme (WFP) have sounded the alarm over rising hunger and malnutrition in Africa, where 30% of the population is food-insecure.

Upcoming Events

  1. UN General Assembly to hold special session on climate change: The UN General Assembly will hold a special session on climate change in September 2023, which will bring together world leaders to discuss the urgent need for collective action to address the climate crisis.
  2. UN Human Rights Council to hold special session on human rights in Ukraine: The UN Human Rights Council will hold a special session in March 2023 to discuss the human rights situation in Ukraine, where ongoing conflict has led to widespread human rights violations.

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