Un experts demand iran ceases harassing bbc persian staff

Here is a summary of the article:

A group of international experts and human rights organizations have called on Iran to immediately cease its harassment and intimidation of BBC Persian staff. The BBC Persian service is a popular news outlet that broadcasts in Farsi, the official language of Iran.

According to reports, Iranian authorities have been targeting BBC Persian staff, including journalists and their families, with a range of tactics, including:

The experts and organizations, including the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and Reporters Without Borders (RSF), have condemned the Iranian government's actions as a violation of human rights and freedom of expression.

In a statement, the IFJ said: "The Iranian authorities must immediately stop their harassment and intimidation of BBC Persian staff and allow them to work freely and safely. Journalists should be able to report the news without fear of reprisal or persecution."

RSF also called on Iran to respect the rights of journalists and to allow them to work without interference. "The Iranian authorities must put an end to their campaign of intimidation and harassment against BBC Persian staff," said RSF Secretary-General Christophe Deloire. "Journalists have the right to report the news without fear of reprisal or persecution."

The BBC has also spoken out against the Iranian government's actions, saying that they are "deeply concerned" about the safety and well-being of its staff and their families.

The Iranian government has not commented on the allegations, but in the past, it has accused the BBC of spreading "propaganda" and "lies" about Iran.

Overall, the international community is calling on Iran to respect the rights of journalists and to allow them to work freely and safely.