Ukvi immigration news

Here are some recent news updates on UKVI (UK Visa and Immigration) immigration:

Recent Changes and Updates

  1. Points-Based System (PBS) Changes: The UK government has introduced changes to the PBS, which will affect certain visa categories, including Tier 2 (General) and Tier 5 (Temporary Worker) visas. The changes aim to reduce the number of low-skilled workers and prioritize high-skilled workers.
  2. EU Settlement Scheme: The UK government has launched the EU Settlement Scheme, which allows EU citizens to apply for settled status in the UK. The scheme is open to EU citizens who have lived in the UK for at least five years and want to continue living and working in the UK after Brexit.
  3. New Visa Routes: The UK government has introduced new visa routes for international students and workers. The new routes include a Graduate Route for international students who have completed their studies in the UK and a Skilled Worker visa for high-skilled workers.
  4. Biometric Residence Permits: The UK government has introduced biometric residence permits (BRPs) for certain visa holders, including students and workers. BRPs are electronic cards that contain biometric data, such as fingerprints, and are used to verify an individual's identity and immigration status.

Recent Decisions and Rulings

  1. Supreme Court Ruling on EU Citizens' Rights: The UK Supreme Court has ruled that EU citizens have the right to bring their family members to the UK, even if they are not married or in a civil partnership.
  2. High Court Ruling on Tier 2 Visa Cap: The High Court has ruled that the UK government's decision to cap Tier 2 visas at 20,700 per year is lawful.
  3. Court of Appeal Ruling on Student Visa Appeals: The Court of Appeal has ruled that students who are refused a visa on the grounds of "public interest" can appeal the decision.

News and Announcements

  1. UK Visa Application Centre in India: The UK government has opened a new visa application centre in India, which will provide additional capacity for visa applications.
  2. UK Visa Application Centre in China: The UK government has opened a new visa application centre in China, which will provide additional capacity for visa applications.
  3. UK Visa Application Centre in Nigeria: The UK government has opened a new visa application centre in Nigeria, which will provide additional capacity for visa applications.

Brexit-Related News

  1. Brexit Transition Period: The UK and EU have agreed on a transition period, which will last until December 31, 2020. During this period, the UK will continue to follow EU rules and regulations.
  2. Brexit Immigration Policy: The UK government has published its Brexit immigration policy, which sets out its plans for immigration after the UK leaves the EU.
  3. EU Citizens' Rights: The UK government has published guidance on EU citizens' rights, which sets out the rights and protections that EU citizens will have after the UK leaves the EU.

I hope this information is helpful!