Uk man splits with ukrainian refugee he dumped partner for

It seems like you're referring to a recent news story. According to reports, a 35-year-old man from the UK has been criticized for dumping his long-term partner to be with a Ukrainian refugee he met online.

The man, who has not been named, reportedly ended his 10-year relationship with his partner just days after meeting the refugee woman, who was fleeing the war in Ukraine. The couple had been together since 2012, but the man claimed he was "torn apart" by his feelings for the refugee and couldn't resist the opportunity to be with her.

The story has sparked outrage on social media, with many people condemning the man's actions as selfish and inconsiderate. Some have also questioned the motivations behind his decision, suggesting that he may have been drawn to the refugee's vulnerability and the attention she received as a result of the war.

The refugee woman, who has also not been named, has reportedly been left heartbroken by the situation and is now seeking support from friends and family. The incident has also raised concerns about the treatment of refugees and the potential for exploitation in situations like this.

It's worth noting that the story is still developing, and more information may come to light as the situation unfolds.