Uk dependent visa new rules

The UK has introduced new rules for dependent visas, which came into effect on January 1, 2021. Here are the key changes:

Who is considered a dependent?

A dependent is a family member who is not a British citizen, settled in the UK, or an EEA national. This includes:

New rules for dependent visas:

  1. Income requirement: The sponsor (the person applying for the visa) must demonstrate that they have a minimum income of £18,600 per year, plus an additional £3,800 for the first child, and £2,400 for each additional child.
  2. English language requirement: The dependent must demonstrate a basic understanding of English language and life in the UK. This can be done by passing the Life in the UK test and the English language test (A1 level).
  3. Maintenance requirement: The sponsor must demonstrate that they have sufficient maintenance funds to support themselves and their dependents in the UK.
  4. Healthcare requirement: The dependent must have adequate healthcare arrangements in place, including private health insurance or access to the National Health Service (NHS).
  5. Police certificates: The sponsor and their dependents may need to provide police certificates from their home country or countries where they have lived for the past 5 years.
  6. Biometric residence permits: Dependants will need to apply for a biometric residence permit (BRP) card, which will be valid for 3 years and 4 months.
  7. Extension and settlement: Dependants can apply to extend their stay in the UK or apply for settlement (indefinite leave to remain) after 5 years.

Additional requirements for dependents:

  1. Children under 18: Children under 18 must be accompanied by their parent or legal guardian when applying for a visa.
  2. Children over 18: Children over 18 must demonstrate that they are dependent on their parent or legal guardian due to physical or mental illness.
  3. Adult dependents: Adult dependents must demonstrate that they are unable to support themselves due to physical or mental illness.

Penalties for non-compliance:

Failure to comply with the new rules may result in:

It is essential to carefully review the new rules and ensure that you meet the requirements before applying for a dependent visa.