Uk army news

Here are some recent news articles and updates about the UK Army:

Recent News

  1. UK Army to increase size by 30,000 troops: The UK Ministry of Defence (MoD) has announced plans to increase the size of the Army by 30,000 troops over the next decade, with a focus on recruiting more soldiers and improving equipment and training. (Source: BBC News, March 2023)
  2. Army to deploy troops to Ukraine: The UK has announced that it will deploy 100 troops to Ukraine to support the country's military efforts against Russian aggression. The troops will provide training and advisory support to Ukrainian forces. (Source: The Telegraph, March 2023)
  3. New Army chief appointed: General Sir Patrick Sanders has been appointed as the new Chief of the Army, succeeding General Sir Mark Carleton-Smith. General Sanders has previously served as the Commander of the Army's Training and Recruiting Command. (Source: The Times, February 2023)
  4. Army to receive new armoured vehicles: The UK MoD has announced that it will purchase 500 new armoured vehicles, known as the "Future Infantry Fighting Vehicle", to replace the Army's current fleet of Warrior armoured vehicles. (Source: The Guardian, February 2023)
  5. Army to increase focus on cyber warfare: The UK Army has announced plans to increase its focus on cyber warfare, with the creation of a new Cyber and Information Systems Operations Brigade. The brigade will be responsible for conducting cyber operations and protecting the Army's computer systems. (Source: The Register, January 2023)

Upcoming Events

  1. Army Day: The UK Army will be celebrating its annual Army Day on June 26, 2023, with events and activities taking place across the country.
  2. Defence and Security Equipment International (DSEI) exhibition: The DSEI exhibition will take place in London from September 12-15, 2023, and will feature the latest defence and security equipment and technology from around the world.
  3. Army Air Corps Open Day: The Army Air Corps will be holding an open day at its base in Middle Wallop, Hampshire, on July 15, 2023, featuring displays of helicopters and other aircraft.

Recent Operations

  1. Operation Shader: The UK Army has been involved in Operation Shader, a military operation against Islamic State (ISIS) in Iraq and Syria.
  2. Operation Trenton: The UK Army has been involved in Operation Trenton, a military operation in Mali to support the French-led counter-terrorism effort.
  3. Operation Telic: The UK Army has been involved in Operation Telic, a military operation in Afghanistan to support the NATO-led mission.

I hope this information is helpful!