Ui news portal

Here are some popular UI news portals:

  1. Smashing Magazine: A leading online magazine focused on web design, development, and user experience.
  2. Design Milk: A design blog that features the latest design trends, news, and inspiration.
  3. A List Apart: A web design and development magazine that covers topics such as user experience, accessibility, and web standards.
  4. UX Collective: A community-driven news portal that focuses on user experience, design, and technology.
  5. The Design Cubicle: A design blog that covers topics such as user experience, design, and technology.
  6. Web Designer Depot: A web design and development magazine that covers topics such as user experience, design, and web development.
  7. Toptal Design Blog: A design blog that features articles on user experience, design, and technology.
  8. Dribbble Blog: A design blog that features articles on user experience, design, and technology, as well as showcases design work.
  9. The UX Blog: A blog that focuses on user experience, design, and technology, with a focus on practical advice and case studies.
  10. Nielsen Norman Group: A research and consulting firm that publishes articles on user experience, design, and technology.
  11. UX Planet: A community-driven news portal that focuses on user experience, design, and technology.
  12. The Futur: A design blog that covers topics such as user experience, design, and technology, with a focus on entrepreneurship and business.
  13. InVision Blog: A design blog that features articles on user experience, design, and technology, as well as showcases design work.
  14. Adobe XD Blog: A design blog that features articles on user experience, design, and technology, with a focus on Adobe XD.
  15. Prototypr: A design blog that covers topics such as user experience, design, and technology, with a focus on prototyping and design systems.

These are just a few examples of the many UI news portals out there.