Udayavani news

Udayavani is a popular Kannada-language newspaper published from Mangaluru, Karnataka, India. Here are some recent news updates from Udayavani:

Top Stories

  1. Karnataka Assembly Elections 2023: Udayavani provides live updates, analysis, and coverage of the Karnataka Assembly elections, including news on candidates, parties, and campaign issues.
  2. Mangaluru City Corporation Elections: The newspaper covers news and updates on the Mangaluru City Corporation elections, including candidate profiles, party manifestos, and election results.
  3. COVID-19 Updates: Udayavani provides regular updates on the COVID-19 pandemic, including news on vaccination drives, cases, and government measures to combat the spread of the virus.
  4. Weather Updates: The newspaper provides daily weather updates, including news on rain, temperature, and weather forecasts for Mangaluru and other parts of Karnataka.
  5. Sports News: Udayavani covers news and updates on sports, including cricket, football, and other sports events in Karnataka and India.

Regional News

  1. Mangaluru News: Udayavani covers news and updates on Mangaluru, including news on local politics, education, healthcare, and infrastructure development.
  2. Dakshina Kannada News: The newspaper provides news and updates on Dakshina Kannada district, including news on politics, education, and social issues.
  3. Udupi News: Udayavani covers news and updates on Udupi district, including news on politics, education, and social issues.

National and International News

  1. National News: Udayavani provides news and updates on national politics, economy, and social issues, including news on the Centre and state governments.
  2. International News: The newspaper covers news and updates on international politics, economy, and social issues, including news on global events and trends.

Opinion and Analysis

  1. Editorial: Udayavani's editorial team provides opinion pieces and analysis on various topics, including politics, economy, and social issues.
  2. Columnists: The newspaper features columns by prominent writers and experts on various topics, including politics, economy, and social issues.

You can visit the Udayavani website or follow their social media handles to stay updated on the latest news and updates from Mangaluru and Karnataka.