Ucl news live

You're looking for the latest news from University College London (UCL)!

Here are a few ways to stay up-to-date with UCL news:

  1. UCL News: The official UCL news website (news.ucl.ac.uk) features the latest news, research highlights, and stories about UCL's students, staff, and alumni.
  2. UCL Twitter: Follow UCL's official Twitter account (@UCLNews) for the latest news, updates, and announcements from the university.
  3. UCL Facebook: Like UCL's official Facebook page (facebook.com/UCLNews) to stay informed about the latest news, events, and stories from the university.
  4. UCL YouTube: Watch UCL's official YouTube channel (youtube.com/UCLNews) for video news, research highlights, and interviews with UCL experts.
  5. UCL Newsletters: Sign up for UCL's newsletters (news.ucl.ac.uk/newsletters) to receive regular updates on the latest news, research, and events from the university.

Some recent UCL news stories include:

Stay tuned for more updates from UCL!