Ucl news bbc

Here are some recent news articles from the University College London (UCL) and BBC:

UCL News

  1. "UCL researchers develop new treatment for rare genetic disorder" (March 2023) - Scientists at UCL have developed a new treatment for a rare genetic disorder that causes muscle weakness and wasting.
  2. "UCL study finds link between air pollution and increased risk of dementia" (February 2023) - A study by UCL researchers has found that exposure to air pollution is associated with an increased risk of dementia.
  3. "UCL launches new centre for artificial intelligence and data science" (January 2023) - UCL has launched a new centre for artificial intelligence and data science, which will focus on developing new technologies and applications.

BBC News

  1. "UCL researchers develop new treatment for rare genetic disorder" (March 2023) - This article reports on the same study mentioned above, highlighting the potential breakthrough in treating a rare genetic disorder.
  2. "Air pollution linked to increased risk of dementia, study finds" (February 2023) - The BBC reports on the UCL study that found a link between air pollution and an increased risk of dementia.
  3. "UCL professor wins Nobel Prize in Physics" (October 2022) - The BBC reports on the Nobel Prize in Physics being awarded to a UCL professor for his work on the discovery of exoplanets.

Please note that these are just a few examples of recent news articles from UCL and the BBC, and there may be more recent articles available.