Uber regains licence to operate in london with probation

Uber has regained its license to operate in London after a series of improvements and changes were made to its business practices. The company had its license revoked in November 2019 by Transport for London (TfL), the regulatory body responsible for overseeing transportation in the city, due to concerns over safety and security.

As part of the conditions of its new license, Uber must adhere to a number of requirements, including:

  1. Improving its background checks on drivers: Uber must conduct more thorough background checks on its drivers, including checks on their criminal records and driving history.
  2. Enhancing its reporting of serious incidents: Uber must report all serious incidents, including accidents and assaults, to the authorities and provide more detailed information about the incidents.
  3. Improving its response to customer complaints: Uber must respond more quickly and effectively to customer complaints, and provide more information to customers about the status of their complaints.
  4. Increasing its use of licensed vehicles: Uber must increase its use of licensed vehicles, which are vehicles that have been approved by TfL and meet certain safety standards.
  5. Improving its communication with TfL: Uber must improve its communication with TfL, including providing more information about its operations and responding more quickly to requests for information.

Uber has also agreed to pay a fine of £2.2 million as part of the conditions of its new license.

The decision to grant Uber a new license was made after a series of meetings between TfL and Uber, during which the company made a number of commitments to improve its business practices. The new license is valid for 18 months, and Uber will be subject to regular monitoring and review by TfL to ensure that it is meeting the conditions of its license.

The decision has been welcomed by many of Uber's customers and drivers, who had been concerned about the impact of the license revocation on their livelihoods. However, some critics have argued that the company's business practices are still not good enough, and that it needs to do more to improve its safety and security record.