U s soccer president cordeiro resigns in wake of uswnt controversy

You're referring to the recent news about the resignation of U.S. Soccer Federation President Carlos Cordeiro.

Yes, on February 20, 2020, Carlos Cordeiro announced his resignation as President of the U.S. Soccer Federation, effective immediately. This move came in the wake of a controversy surrounding the U.S. Women's National Team (USWNT) and their fight for equal pay.

The controversy began when the USWNT filed a lawsuit against the U.S. Soccer Federation in March 2019, alleging gender-based discrimination and seeking equal pay with the U.S. Men's National Team. The lawsuit claimed that the USSF had engaged in a pattern of discrimination against the USWNT, including paying them less than their male counterparts for the same work.

The situation escalated when Cordeiro, in a deposition related to the lawsuit, stated that the USSF had not intended to pay the USWNT the same as the USMNT, citing differences in the teams' revenue and expenses. This comment sparked widespread criticism and outrage, with many accusing Cordeiro of perpetuating gender-based discrimination.

In response to the backlash, Cordeiro issued a statement apologizing for his comments and acknowledging that the USSF had made mistakes in the past. However, his resignation was ultimately seen as a necessary step to address the ongoing controversy and to restore trust in the organization.

Cordeiro's resignation was met with widespread support from the USWNT players, who had been vocal in their demands for equal pay and an end to gender-based discrimination. The team's captain, Megan Rapinoe, tweeted that Cordeiro's resignation was a "step in the right direction" and called for the USSF to prioritize equal pay and respect for the USWNT.

The controversy surrounding the USWNT and the USSF has highlighted the ongoing struggle for gender equality in sports and beyond. It remains to be seen how the USSF will move forward under new leadership and whether the organization will take concrete steps to address the issues raised by the USWNT.