U s considers pakistan ally in anti terror war state department #

A complex and nuanced topic!

Yes, the United States has historically considered Pakistan an ally in the global war on terror, particularly in the context of the War in Afghanistan. Here's a brief overview:

  1. Initial cooperation: In the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks, Pakistan was one of the first countries to offer support to the US-led coalition. Pakistan's military and intelligence agencies, particularly the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), worked closely with the CIA to disrupt and dismantle terrorist networks, including al-Qaeda and the Taliban.
  2. Operation Enduring Freedom: Pakistan played a crucial role in the US-led invasion of Afghanistan in 2001, providing airbases, logistics, and intelligence support to the US military. Pakistan's military also launched operations against Taliban and al-Qaeda forces in the tribal regions along the Afghanistan-Pakistan border.
  3. Counter-terrorism cooperation: The US and Pakistan have maintained a robust counter-terrorism cooperation framework, with the US providing financial and military assistance to Pakistan to support its counter-terrorism efforts. The US has also provided training and equipment to Pakistan's military and intelligence agencies to help them combat terrorist groups.
  4. Strained relations: However, the relationship between the US and Pakistan has been marked by periods of tension and mistrust, particularly during the Obama administration. The US has criticized Pakistan for not doing enough to combat terrorist groups, such as the Haqqani network, which has been responsible for numerous attacks on US and NATO forces in Afghanistan.
  5. Current situation: Today, the US-Pakistan relationship remains complex and challenging. While the US still considers Pakistan an important partner in the fight against terrorism, there are concerns about Pakistan's continued support for some terrorist groups, such as the Haqqani network. The US has also been critical of Pakistan's handling of the situation in Kashmir, which has led to increased tensions between the two countries.

In summary, while the US has historically considered Pakistan an ally in the global war on terror, the relationship has been marked by periods of tension and mistrust. The US continues to provide financial and military assistance to Pakistan, but there are ongoing concerns about Pakistan's commitment to combating terrorist groups and its handling of regional security issues.