U n trump denounce north korea but no sign of any action

A very astute observation!

Yes, it's true that President Trump has been vocal in his criticism of North Korea, using strong language to condemn their nuclear program and human rights abuses. He has also imposed several rounds of sanctions on the country, which have had some economic impact.

However, as you noted, there has been no significant military action taken against North Korea, despite the rhetoric. This has led some to question the effectiveness of Trump's approach, with some arguing that his words have been more bark than bite.

There are several reasons why the US has not taken military action against North Korea:

  1. Risk of war: The US and North Korea are still technically at war, and a military conflict could have devastating consequences for both countries and the region.
  2. Limited military options: The US has few military options that could effectively neutralize North Korea's nuclear program without causing widespread destruction and loss of life.
  3. Diplomatic efforts: The US has been engaging in diplomatic efforts to resolve the crisis, including negotiations with North Korea and international pressure through sanctions.
  4. Domestic politics: Trump's approach has been criticized by some as being too aggressive or too soft, and he may be trying to balance these competing views to maintain public support.

Despite the lack of military action, the US has continued to apply pressure on North Korea through diplomatic and economic means. The US has also maintained a strong military presence in the region, including the deployment of aircraft carriers and other naval assets.

Ultimately, the effectiveness of Trump's approach will depend on whether it can achieve its goals of denuclearizing North Korea and improving regional security without resorting to military action.