Types of news features

Here are some common types of news features:

  1. In-depth reporting: In-depth reporting involves conducting extensive research and interviews to provide a detailed and nuanced understanding of a particular issue or topic.
  2. Profile: A profile is a feature that focuses on a specific person, often highlighting their achievements, challenges, and personality.
  3. Investigative reporting: Investigative reporting involves conducting research and gathering evidence to uncover hidden truths or expose wrongdoing.
  4. Human interest story: Human interest stories focus on the personal experiences and stories of ordinary people, often highlighting their struggles, triumphs, and inspiring stories.
  5. Analysis: Analysis features provide in-depth analysis and commentary on a particular issue or topic, often featuring expert opinions and insights.
  6. Explainer: Explainer features provide a clear and concise explanation of a complex topic or issue, often using simple language and visual aids.
  7. Listicle: Listicles are features that present information in a list format, often highlighting the top 10 or 20 items in a particular category.
  8. Q&A: Q&A features involve interviewing an expert or individual and presenting their responses in a question-and-answer format.
  9. Case study: Case studies involve examining a specific situation or event in-depth, often highlighting the challenges, successes, and lessons learned.
  10. Profile of a place: Profile of a place features focus on a specific location, often highlighting its history, culture, and attractions.
  11. Profile of an organization: Profile of an organization features focus on a specific company, non-profit, or government agency, often highlighting its mission, goals, and achievements.
  12. Special report: Special reports are in-depth features that focus on a specific topic or issue, often featuring expert analysis and commentary.
  13. Interview: Interviews involve conducting a conversation with an individual or group of individuals, often focusing on their experiences, opinions, and insights.
  14. Op-ed: Op-eds are opinion-based features that present a personal perspective or commentary on a particular issue or topic.
  15. Column: Columns are regular features that present a writer's opinions, insights, and commentary on a particular topic or issue.
  16. Series: Series are a collection of related features that focus on a specific topic or issue, often presented over a period of time.
  17. Timeline: Timelines are features that present a chronological account of a specific event or issue, often highlighting key dates, events, and milestones.
  18. Infographic: Infographics are visual features that present information in a graphical format, often using charts, graphs, and images.
  19. Podcast: Podcasts are audio features that present in-depth interviews, discussions, and analysis on a specific topic or issue.
  20. Video feature: Video features are multimedia presentations that use video, audio, and text to present information and tell stories.

These are just a few examples of the many types of news features that exist. The type of feature used often depends on the topic, audience, and purpose of the story.