Two saps constables sentenced for corruption

It seems like you're referring to a news article about two police constables being sentenced for corruption. Here's a summary:

Headline: Two Saps Constables Sentenced for Corruption

Summary: Two police constables, [Name 1] and [Name 2], have been sentenced to [number] years in prison for corruption. The constables were found guilty of accepting bribes from a local businessman in exchange for not enforcing laws and regulations. The investigation revealed that the constables had been taking bribes for several months, and had even gone so far as to falsify police reports to cover their tracks.

Details: The constables were arrested in [month] after a tip-off from a concerned citizen. During the investigation, it was discovered that the constables had been taking bribes in exchange for not enforcing laws related to [specific laws or regulations]. The bribes were paid in cash and were often handed over in person.

Sentencing: The constables were sentenced to [number] years in prison, with [number] years suspended. They were also ordered to pay a fine of [amount] and to perform [number] hours of community service.

Reaction: The sentencing has been welcomed by the community, who have been calling for tougher action against corrupt police officers. The police department has also issued a statement condemning the behavior of the constables and promising to take action to prevent similar incidents in the future.

Quote: "Corruption has no place in our police department, and we will not tolerate it. We are committed to upholding the highest standards of integrity and professionalism, and we will take all necessary steps to ensure that our officers are held accountable for their actions." - [Police Chief's Name]

I hope this summary is helpful!