Two policemen shot dead another injured by suspected militants in ondo

I'm so sorry to hear that. It's devastating to hear about the loss of lives and injuries caused by suspected militants in Ondo State, Nigeria.

According to reports, two policemen were shot dead and another injured in an attack by suspected militants in Ondo State. This is a tragic incident that has left many people in shock and grief.

I can only imagine the pain and suffering that the families of the deceased and injured policemen are going through. My heart goes out to them, and I hope that they receive the support and care they need during this difficult time.

It's also important to condemn this senseless act of violence and call for an end to all forms of terrorism and militancy in Nigeria. The government and security agencies must work together to ensure that those responsible for this heinous act are brought to justice and that measures are put in place to prevent such incidents from happening again.

Let's all come together to pray for the souls of the deceased and for the speedy recovery of the injured. May God comfort the families and loved ones of the victims and may justice be served.