Tv news terminology

Here are some common TV news terminology:

  1. Anchor: The person who presents the news program, often sitting at a desk or standing in front of a news desk.
  2. Reporter: A journalist who gathers and reports news stories, often in the field or from a newsroom.
  3. Correspondent: A reporter who covers a specific region, country, or beat (e.g., a foreign correspondent).
  4. Producer: The person responsible for overseeing the production of a news program, including booking guests, arranging logistics, and ensuring the program meets editorial standards.
  5. Assignment Editor: The person responsible for assigning news stories to reporters and coordinating coverage of breaking news events.
  6. News Director: The person in charge of the news department, responsible for setting editorial direction, managing budgets, and overseeing the overall quality of the news product.
  7. Segment: A self-contained piece of a news program, often featuring a specific story or topic.
  8. Package: A pre-recorded news segment, often featuring a reporter in the field, that is edited and presented as part of a larger news program.
  9. Live shot: A live broadcast from a remote location, often featuring a reporter or correspondent reporting on a news event.
  10. Cutaway: A brief interruption in a live broadcast, often used to switch to a different camera angle or to insert a graphic or animation.
  11. Tease: A brief preview of an upcoming story or segment, often used to entice viewers to stay tuned.
  12. B-roll: Footage shot in the background, often used to add visual interest to a news segment or to provide context for a story.
  13. SOT (Sound-On-Tape): An interview or quote from a person, often used to add depth and context to a news story.
  14. VO (Voice-Over): A narration or commentary provided by a reporter or anchor, often used to explain a news story or provide context.
  15. CGI (Computer-Generated Imagery): Graphics, animations, or special effects used to enhance a news program or illustrate a story.
  16. Live-to-tape: A live broadcast that is recorded for later broadcast, often used for events or news conferences that are not suitable for live broadcast.
  17. Cut-in: A brief interruption in a live broadcast, often used to switch to a different camera angle or to insert a graphic or animation.
  18. Bump: A brief interruption in a live broadcast, often used to switch to a different camera angle or to insert a graphic or animation.
  19. Top-and-bottom: A news program that features a brief introduction and conclusion, with the main content presented in the middle.
  20. Wrap: A brief summary or recap of a news program, often used to wrap up the broadcast and provide a final thought or update.

These are just a few of the many terms used in TV news.