Tv news script sample pdf

Here is a sample TV news script:

Title: "Breaking News: Tornado Touches Down in Local Community"


(Opening music plays as the anchor, John Smith, appears on screen with a serious expression)

John Smith: "Good evening, I'm John Smith, and this is the evening news. We have breaking news coming in from our local community, where a tornado has touched down, causing widespread damage and disruption. Our team is on the ground, and we'll bring you live updates as the situation develops."

Segment 1:

(Cut to a live shot of the tornado damage)

John Smith (voiceover): "The tornado, which was classified as an EF2, touched down in the town of Oakdale, just outside of our city. The storm caused significant damage to homes, businesses, and infrastructure, leaving many without power or access to basic necessities."

(Cut back to the anchor in the studio)

John Smith: "We're seeing reports of multiple injuries, but thankfully, no fatalities have been reported. Emergency responders are on the scene, working to rescue those trapped and provide aid to those affected."

Segment 2:

(Cut to an interview with a local resident)

John Smith (voiceover): "We spoke with local resident, Jane Doe, who was in her home when the tornado struck. She tells us what it was like."

Jane Doe: "I was in my living room when I heard the sirens go off. I looked out the window, and I saw the tornado coming straight for us. I grabbed my kids and we hid in the bathtub. It was terrifying."

John Smith: "Thank you, Jane, for sharing your story with us. We're glad to hear that you and your family are safe."

Segment 3:

(Cut to a live shot of the mayor)

John Smith (voiceover): "The mayor of Oakdale has issued a statement, urging residents to stay safe and follow evacuation orders. He also thanked first responders and emergency personnel for their quick response to the disaster."

(Cut back to the anchor in the studio)

John Smith: "We'll continue to bring you updates on this developing story as more information becomes available. In the meantime, our thoughts are with the people of Oakdale and all those affected by this devastating storm."


(Closing music plays as the anchor appears on screen again)

John Smith: "That's all for now. Thank you for joining us tonight. We'll be back with more news after this break."

End screen:

(Closing credits roll)

This script is just a sample, but it gives you an idea of what a TV news script might look like. It includes:

Keep in mind that TV news scripts are often written in a specific style and format, and may include additional elements such as graphics, sound bites, and live shots.