Tv news script example

Here is an example of a TV news script:


[Urgent music plays as the anchor, John, appears on screen with a serious expression]

John: "Good evening, I'm John Smith, and this is the evening news. We have breaking news tonight from the nation's capital, where a major scandal has rocked the government. Our top story tonight: the President's closest advisor has been accused of embezzling millions of dollars from a government program. We'll have more on this developing story in just a moment."


[Cut to a graphic with the title "President's Advisor Accused of Embezzlement"]

John: "According to sources, the President's advisor, Jane Doe, has been under investigation for several months. The allegations are serious, and if proven, could lead to criminal charges. We go live now to our correspondent in Washington, who has more on this story."

[Cut to correspondent, Sarah, standing in front of the White House]

Sarah: "John, thank you. I'm here outside the White House, where officials are confirming the investigation. The President has issued a statement saying he is 'deeply disturbed' by the allegations and is cooperating fully with the investigation. But sources close to the investigation tell me that the evidence against Jane Doe is mounting, and it's only a matter of time before charges are filed."


[Cut to a graphic with the title "Local Man Missing After Hiking Accident"]

John: "In other news, a local man is missing after a hiking accident in the mountains. 32-year-old John Smith was reported missing yesterday afternoon after failing to return from a solo hike. Search and rescue teams have been scouring the area, but so far, there has been no sign of him. We'll continue to follow this story and bring you updates as more information becomes available."


[Cut back to John in the studio]

John: "That's all for tonight. Thank you for joining us. We'll be back tomorrow with more news and updates. In the meantime, we want to hear from you. Share your thoughts on our social media channels using the hashtag #newsnight."

[Closing music plays as the anchor appears on screen with a friendly smile]

John: "Goodnight, and we'll see you tomorrow!"


This script is just an example, but it gives you an idea of what a TV news script might look like. It includes: