Tussle over mbas property businesswoman slams n10m suit against ig others

It appears that there is a dispute between a businesswoman and some individuals, including the Inspector General of Police (IG), over a property valued at N10 million. The businesswoman has filed a lawsuit against the IG and others, seeking N10 million in damages.

Here is a possible summary of the situation:

Case Details:


The businesswoman claims that she is the rightful owner of the property, which is located in [Location]. However, the IG and others allegedly conspired to take possession of the property, leading to a tussle over ownership.


The businesswoman has filed a lawsuit against the IG and others, seeking N10 million in damages for the alleged trespass, conversion, and damage to the property. She claims that the defendants have been in possession of the property without her consent and have refused to vacate the premises.

Defendants' Response:

The IG and others have not yet responded to the lawsuit, but it is likely that they will deny the allegations and argue that they have a legitimate claim to the property.

Next Steps:

The case will likely proceed to trial, where the businesswoman will present her evidence and witnesses to support her claim. The defendants will also present their evidence and witnesses to support their defense. The court will then make a determination on the matter, either in favor of the businesswoman or the defendants.

Possible Outcomes:

If the businesswoman is successful in her lawsuit, she may be awarded the N10 million in damages she is seeking. However, if the defendants are successful, they may be able to retain possession of the property and avoid paying damages.

It is important to note that this is just a summary of the situation and that the actual details of the case may be more complex.