Turkey and syria news

Here are some recent news updates from Turkey and Syria:


  1. Erdogan's approval ratings drop: Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's approval ratings have dropped to 43.6%, according to a survey by the pollster MetroPOLL. This is the lowest rating since 2015.
  2. Economic crisis deepens: Turkey's economic crisis continues to worsen, with the lira hitting a record low against the US dollar. The country's inflation rate has also reached 24.5%, the highest in 15 years.
  3. Syrian refugees: Turkey is hosting over 3.6 million Syrian refugees, and the government is struggling to provide for their needs. The UN has warned of a humanitarian crisis in the region.
  4. Military operations: Turkey has launched several military operations in Syria, including Operation Peace Spring in October 2019, which aimed to create a "safe zone" for Syrian refugees.


  1. Assad's forces gain ground: The Syrian government, led by President Bashar al-Assad, has made significant gains in recent weeks, capturing several key towns and cities from rebel forces.
  2. Idlib province: The Syrian government has launched a military campaign to capture Idlib province, the last major rebel stronghold in the country. The UN has warned of a humanitarian crisis in the region.
  3. Russian involvement: Russia has increased its military presence in Syria, with reports of Russian troops and equipment being deployed to support the Syrian government.
  4. US withdrawal: The US has withdrawn its troops from northeastern Syria, allowing Turkey to launch its military operation in the region. The move has been criticized by many, including lawmakers and human rights groups.

Regional tensions:

  1. US-Turkey tensions: The US and Turkey have been at odds over several issues, including the US withdrawal from Syria and Turkey's military operation in the region. The US has imposed sanctions on Turkey, and the two countries have been engaged in a trade war.
  2. Iran-Syria relations: Iran has increased its military presence in Syria, and has been providing significant financial and military support to the Syrian government. The US has accused Iran of destabilizing the region.
  3. Israel-Syria tensions: Israel has been conducting airstrikes in Syria, targeting Iranian-backed militias and Hezbollah forces. The situation has been escalating, with reports of Israeli jets being intercepted by Syrian air defenses.

These are just a few of the recent news updates from Turkey and Syria. The situation in the region is complex and rapidly changing, and it's essential to stay informed about the latest developments.