Trump white house vows to stop china taking south china sea islands

I think there may be some misinformation here.

The Trump White House has not made any official statements or taken any actions to stop China from taking South China Sea islands. In fact, the United States has been critical of China's territorial claims in the South China Sea, but has not taken any military action to prevent China from building artificial islands or claiming sovereignty over the region.

The South China Sea is a disputed region in the western Pacific Ocean, with several countries, including China, Taiwan, Vietnam, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Brunei, claiming sovereignty over various islands and waters. China has been building artificial islands and military installations on some of these islands, which has raised concerns among neighboring countries and the international community.

The United States has been critical of China's actions in the South China Sea, and has called for China to respect the rights of other countries to navigate the region and to resolve disputes through peaceful means. However, the US has not taken any military action to prevent China from building artificial islands or claiming sovereignty over the region.

It's worth noting that the Trump administration has taken a more assertive stance on China's actions in the South China Sea than the Obama administration, and has increased military presence and patrols in the region. However, this is not the same as vowing to stop China from taking South China Sea islands.

It's always important to verify information through reputable sources to ensure accuracy and avoid spreading misinformation.