Trump wall news

Here are some recent news updates on the Trump wall:

Latest Developments:

  1. Funding Secured: In February 2020, the US government agreed to allocate $1.375 billion for border wall construction in the 2020 budget deal. This funding will be used to build 63 miles of new wall in Texas and New Mexico.
  2. Construction Progress: The US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has reported that construction on the border wall has accelerated in recent months. As of March 2020, over 200 miles of new wall have been built, with an additional 100 miles planned for construction in the coming months.
  3. Environmental Concerns: The construction of the border wall has raised concerns about environmental impacts, including the destruction of wildlife habitats and the potential for erosion and flooding. In February 2020, a federal judge blocked the construction of a section of the wall in California's Imperial Sand Dunes National Recreation Area, citing environmental concerns.
  4. Legal Challenges: The Trump administration has faced numerous legal challenges to the construction of the border wall, including lawsuits from environmental groups, Native American tribes, and local governments. In January 2020, a federal appeals court ruled that the administration's use of military funds to build the wall was illegal, but the Supreme Court has since allowed the construction to continue.

Recent News Articles:

  1. The New York Times: "Trump's Border Wall Is a Symbol of Division, but It's Also a Business Opportunity" (March 2020)
  2. The Washington Post: "Border wall construction accelerates, but funding remains uncertain" (February 2020)
  3. The Los Angeles Times: "Federal judge blocks construction of border wall in California's Imperial Sand Dunes" (February 2020)
  4. CNN: "Supreme Court allows Trump administration to use military funds for border wall" (January 2020)

Key Statistics:

  1. Length of the Border Wall: The US-Mexico border is approximately 1,954 miles long. As of March 2020, over 200 miles of new wall have been built, leaving around 1,754 miles to be constructed.
  2. Cost of the Border Wall: The estimated cost of the border wall is around $20 billion, although some estimates put the cost at over $30 billion.
  3. Number of Border Patrol Agents: The US Border Patrol has around 20,000 agents, with an additional 5,000 agents planned for deployment in the coming years.

I hope this information is helpful!