Trump urges afghans to seize opportunity for peace

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Trump Urges Afghans to Seize Opportunity for Peace

In a surprise move, US President Donald Trump has called on the Afghan government and the Taliban to seize the opportunity for peace in Afghanistan. Trump made the statement during a meeting with Afghan President Ashraf Ghani at the White House.

Trump emphasized that the US is committed to supporting the Afghan people and government in their efforts to achieve peace and stability. He urged the Taliban to join the peace process and work towards a negotiated settlement.

The US has been engaged in talks with the Taliban for several months, aimed at ending the 18-year conflict in Afghanistan. The talks have been ongoing, but have faced several setbacks and challenges.

Trump's statement comes as the US is set to withdraw thousands of troops from Afghanistan, a move that has been met with skepticism by some lawmakers and experts. The withdrawal is seen as a key part of the US's efforts to bring peace to the region.

In his statement, Trump also praised the bravery and resilience of the Afghan people, saying that they have shown remarkable courage in the face of adversity.

The Afghan government has welcomed Trump's statement, saying that it is committed to working towards a peaceful resolution to the conflict.

The Taliban has not yet commented on Trump's statement, but the group has previously expressed its willingness to negotiate with the US.

Overall, Trump's statement is seen as a significant development in the ongoing efforts to bring peace to Afghanistan, and could potentially pave the way for a negotiated settlement between the Afghan government and the Taliban.