Trump team struggles for cohesion on tougher china policy

The Trump administration has been struggling to develop a cohesive policy towards China, with different factions within the team having different views on how to approach the country.

According to a report by the Wall Street Journal, the administration is divided between two main camps: one led by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who is pushing for a tougher stance on China, and another led by Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, who is advocating for a more nuanced approach.

Pompeo and his allies, including National Security Adviser John Bolton, believe that China is a strategic competitor that poses a significant threat to the US and its allies, and that a tougher stance is needed to counter its growing economic and military power. They are pushing for measures such as increased tariffs, restrictions on Chinese investment in the US, and support for Taiwan and other countries that are critical of China's human rights record.

Mnuchin and his allies, on the other hand, believe that a more nuanced approach is needed, and that the US should focus on areas where it can cooperate with China, such as on issues like North Korea and climate change. They are pushing for measures such as increased trade and investment between the two countries, and for the US to work with China to address global challenges.

The divisions within the administration have led to a lack of clarity and consistency in its policy towards China, which has caused frustration among US allies and partners. The administration has also faced criticism from some lawmakers and experts who believe that its approach is too soft and does not adequately address the challenges posed by China's growing power.

In recent weeks, the administration has taken some steps to toughen its stance on China, including imposing tariffs on Chinese goods and restricting Chinese investment in the US. However, it remains to be seen whether these measures will be enough to address the concerns of Pompeo and his allies, or whether the administration will ultimately adopt a more nuanced approach.

Some of the key issues that the administration is grappling with include:

  1. Trade: The administration has imposed tariffs on Chinese goods, but China has retaliated with its own tariffs on US goods. The administration is also considering imposing restrictions on Chinese investment in the US.
  2. Security: The administration is concerned about China's growing military power and its efforts to expand its influence in the Asia-Pacific region. It is also concerned about China's human rights record and its treatment of minority groups.
  3. Technology: The administration is concerned about China's efforts to acquire advanced technology and intellectual property, and is considering imposing restrictions on Chinese companies that do business in the US.
  4. Taiwan: The administration is considering a policy shift towards Taiwan, which could include increased support for the island's government and military.

Overall, the Trump administration's policy towards China is still evolving, and it remains to be seen how it will ultimately approach the country.