Trump says ready to help iran with coronavirus if asked

A interesting development!

According to various news sources, including Reuters and CNN, US President Donald Trump has stated that he is willing to help Iran with its coronavirus outbreak if asked. This comes as Iran has been struggling to contain the spread of the virus, with a significant number of cases and deaths reported.

In a tweet, Trump wrote: "Iran is a fantastic country with a wonderful people. They are going through tough times with the Virus. If the Iranian government would like to travel to the U.S.A. to pay their respects and to begin negotiations on a new and very comprehensive deal, I would be open to that."

It's worth noting that the US and Iran have had a strained relationship in recent years, with tensions escalating over issues such as Iran's nuclear program and US sanctions. However, in the face of a global health crisis, it's possible that both countries may be willing to put aside their differences and work together to address the outbreak.

Iran has been one of the countries hardest hit by the coronavirus, with over 12,000 reported cases and over 500 deaths. The country's healthcare system has been stretched to the limit, and the government has been working to contain the spread of the virus through measures such as lockdowns and travel restrictions.

It remains to be seen whether Iran will accept Trump's offer of assistance, but it's an interesting development in the ongoing relationship between the two countries.