Trump refugee order dashes hopes of iraqis who helped the u s #comments

Here are some potential comments on the article "Trump refugee order dashes hopes of Iraqis who helped the U.S.":

Comment 1 "This is a betrayal of the highest order. The Iraqis who helped the US during the war have been left to fend for themselves, while those who didn't help are being given a chance to come to the US. It's a slap in the face to all those who risked their lives to help our country."

Comment 2 "I'm so disappointed in Trump's decision. These Iraqis have been waiting for years to come to the US and start new lives. They've been vetted and cleared, and now they're being told they're not welcome. It's a cruel and heartless decision."

Comment 3 "This is a classic example of Trump's 'America First' policy. He's putting the interests of Americans ahead of the interests of those who have helped us. It's a short-sighted decision that will have long-term consequences for our relationships with other countries."

Comment 4 "I understand the concerns about national security, but this decision is not just about security. It's about justice and morality. These Iraqis have been loyal allies and deserve our gratitude and support. Trump's decision is a betrayal of our values and principles."

Comment 5 "This is a dark day for America. We're sending a message to the world that we don't care about the people who have helped us. We're abandoning our allies and leaving them to fend for themselves. It's a shameful decision that will have far-reaching consequences."

Comment 6 "I'm an Iraqi who helped the US during the war, and I'm devastated by this decision. I thought I had a chance to start a new life in the US, but now it seems like that's not going to happen. I'm left with no choice but to stay in Iraq and try to make a life for myself here. It's a difficult and uncertain future ahead."

Comment 7 "This decision is a blow to the values of freedom and democracy that we claim to uphold. It's a reminder that we're not always a beacon of hope and freedom for those who are seeking it. We're sending a message that we're not interested in helping those who have helped us, and that's a sad and regrettable decision."