Trump referred t…ial times claims

You're likely referring to the fact that former President Donald Trump has made numerous false or misleading claims about the COVID-19 pandemic, also known as COVID-19 or the coronavirus.

According to fact-checking organizations such as, PolitiFact, and Snopes, Trump has made hundreds of false or misleading claims about the pandemic, including:

  1. Claiming that the virus was under control and would soon disappear, when in fact it was spreading rapidly.
  2. Saying that the virus was a "hoax" or a "Democratic hoax," when in fact it was a real and deadly pandemic.
  3. Claiming that the virus was not transmitted through human-to-human contact, when in fact it was.
  4. Saying that the virus was not a serious threat to the elderly or those with underlying health conditions, when in fact it was a major risk factor for severe illness and death.
  5. Claiming that the virus was being spread by "fake news" and "deep state" actors, when in fact it was being spread by human-to-human contact and other factors.
  6. Saying that the virus was being exaggerated or hyped by the media, when in fact it was a serious and deadly pandemic.
  7. Claiming that the virus was being spread by immigrants and foreigners, when in fact it was being spread by people from all over the world, including Americans.
  8. Saying that the virus was being spread by the flu vaccine, when in fact there was no scientific evidence to support this claim.
  9. Claiming that the virus was being spread by 5G wireless networks, when in fact there was no scientific evidence to support this claim.
  10. Saying that the virus was being spread by the use of face masks, when in fact face masks were an effective way to prevent the spread of the virus.

These are just a few examples of the many false or misleading claims that Trump made about the COVID-19 pandemic.