Trump re election campaign sues new york times

You're referring to a recent development!

Yes, on August 20, 2020, the Trump 2020 re-election campaign filed a lawsuit against The New York Times, alleging that the newspaper's editorial board had defamed the campaign by publishing an opinion piece that criticized Trump's handling of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The lawsuit, filed in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York, claims that the opinion piece, titled "The 2020 Campaign: Trump's Pandemic Failures," was "false, misleading, and defamatory" and caused "irreparable harm" to the campaign's reputation.

The lawsuit specifically targets the opinion piece's assertion that Trump's response to the pandemic was "a catastrophic failure" and that his administration's actions were "reckless" and "inept." The campaign argues that these statements are "false and defamatory" and were made with "actual malice," which is a legal standard for proving defamation.

The New York Times has not commented on the lawsuit, but it's likely that the newspaper will argue that the opinion piece was a protected form of speech under the First Amendment and that the campaign's claims are without merit.

This lawsuit is just the latest in a series of legal battles between the Trump campaign and the media, which have been ongoing throughout Trump's presidency.