Trump impeachment fox news

The impeachment of Donald Trump by the House of Representatives in December 2019 and the subsequent acquittal by the Senate in February 2020 were major news events that received extensive coverage on Fox News. Here's a summary of the coverage:

House Impeachment Inquiry and Vote

Fox News covered the House impeachment inquiry and vote extensively, with many of its anchors and commentators expressing skepticism about the process and the allegations against Trump. Some notable moments include:

Senate Impeachment Trial

Fox News continued to provide extensive coverage of the Senate impeachment trial, with many of its anchors and commentators arguing that the trial was a "show trial" and that Trump was being unfairly targeted by Democrats. Some notable moments include:

Fox News vs. Other News Outlets

Fox News was criticized by other news outlets for its coverage of the impeachment process, with many accusing the network of being biased in favor of Trump. Some notable moments include:

Impact on Fox News

The impeachment process had a significant impact on Fox News, with many of its anchors and commentators facing criticism for their coverage. Some notable moments include:

Overall, Fox News's coverage of the impeachment process was marked by a strong pro-Trump bias, with many of its anchors and commentators arguing that the process was unfair and that Trump was being targeted by Democrats. The network's coverage was widely criticized by other news outlets and had a significant impact on its reputation and ratings.