Trump calls for ceasefire in turkeys syria strikes

I think there may be some confusion here.

To clarify, Turkey, not Trump, launched airstrikes in Syria on October 9, 2019, targeting Kurdish-led forces that had been allied with the United States in the fight against ISIS. The strikes were in response to a Turkish military operation aimed at creating a "safe zone" along the Turkish-Syrian border.

As for Trump, he did not call for a ceasefire in Turkey's Syria strikes. In fact, Trump's administration had previously announced that it would be withdrawing U.S. troops from northeastern Syria, which was seen as a green light for Turkey to launch its military operation.

However, after international condemnation and criticism of the Turkish operation, Trump did issue a statement on October 14, 2019, saying that he was "strongly urging" Turkey to stop its military operation and that he was working with Congress to impose economic sanctions on Turkey.

So, while Trump did eventually express concerns about the Turkish operation and called for a ceasefire, it was not a direct call for a ceasefire in Turkey's Syria strikes, as those strikes had already occurred.