Trump at nato what to watch #comments

Here are some key things to watch for during Trump's visit to NATO:

1. Tensions with Europe: Trump has been critical of NATO's spending habits and has threatened to withdraw the US from the alliance if other countries don't increase their defense spending. Will he continue to pressure European leaders to increase their spending?

2. NATO's future: Trump has been vocal about his desire to reform NATO, which has led to concerns about the alliance's future. Will he push for significant changes to the organization's structure and purpose?

3. Russia's role: Trump has been criticized for his friendly approach to Russian President Vladimir Putin, which has raised concerns about NATO's stance on Russia. Will he address Russia's actions in Ukraine and other regions during his visit?

4. Trade tensions: Trump has been engaged in a trade war with several European countries, including the EU and Canada. Will he use his visit to NATO to try to resolve these disputes or will they continue to simmer?

5. NATO's response to terrorism: NATO has been involved in several military operations against terrorist groups, including ISIS. Will Trump discuss the alliance's efforts to combat terrorism and its plans for future operations?

6. The US role in NATO: Trump has been critical of NATO's reliance on the US for defense. Will he reiterate his desire for other countries to take on more responsibility for their own defense?

7. The future of the INF Treaty: The Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF) between the US and Russia is under threat of collapse. Will Trump discuss the future of the treaty and the implications for European security?

8. NATO's response to China: China has been increasing its military presence in the Asia-Pacific region, which has raised concerns among NATO members. Will Trump discuss the alliance's response to China's growing military power?

9. The role of NATO in the Middle East: NATO has been involved in several military operations in the Middle East, including in Afghanistan and Iraq. Will Trump discuss the alliance's role in the region and its plans for future operations?

10. The atmosphere at the summit: Trump's visit to NATO has been marked by controversy and tension in the past. Will the atmosphere at the summit be tense or will there be a sense of cooperation and unity among the allies?

These are just a few things to watch for during Trump's visit to NATO. The summit is expected to be a significant event in the world of international relations, and it will be interesting to see how it plays out.