True federalism apc govs move to implement el rufai committees report

A very specific and timely topic!

True federalism is a concept that has been debated in Nigeria for a long time, and it's great to see that some APC governors are taking steps to implement the recommendations of the El-Rufai Committee on True Federalism.

For those who may not know, the El-Rufai Committee was set up by the APC-led government in 2017 to review the 1999 Constitution and make recommendations for its amendment. The committee, chaired by Nasir el-Rufai, the Governor of Kaduna State, submitted its report in 2018.

The report made several recommendations aimed at promoting true federalism in Nigeria, including:

  1. Devolution of powers: The committee recommended that more powers be devolved to the states and local governments, while the federal government should focus on its core responsibilities.
  2. Creation of more states: The committee recommended the creation of more states to reduce the population of states and make them more manageable.
  3. Redefining the relationship between the federal government and states: The committee recommended that the relationship between the federal government and states be redefined to promote cooperation and collaboration.
  4. Strengthening local governments: The committee recommended that local governments be strengthened to enable them to play a more effective role in governance.

Now, some APC governors have announced their intention to implement the recommendations of the El-Rufai Committee. For example:

  1. Governor Abdullahi Ganduje of Kano State has announced plans to implement the committee's recommendations on devolution of powers and creation of more states.
  2. Governor Abubakar Bello of Niger State has also announced plans to implement the committee's recommendations on devolution of powers and strengthening of local governments.
  3. Governor Yahaya Bello of Kogi State has announced plans to implement the committee's recommendations on devolution of powers and creation of more states.

It's great to see that some governors are taking steps to implement the recommendations of the El-Rufai Committee. True federalism has the potential to promote greater autonomy and accountability at the state and local government levels, and to reduce the concentration of power at the federal level.

However, it's important to note that implementing the recommendations of the El-Rufai Committee will require a lot of work and coordination at the federal and state levels. It will also require a lot of consultation and engagement with stakeholders, including civil society organizations, the private sector, and the general public.

Overall, it's a positive development that some APC governors are taking steps to implement the recommendations of the El-Rufai Committee. It's a step in the right direction towards promoting true federalism in Nigeria.