Troops at home of togo opposition candidate as presidential polls close

It sounds like you're referring to a recent news story about the presidential polls in Togo. Here's a summary:

Togo Presidential Polls: Troops Deployed to Opposition Candidate's Home as Voting Closes

As the presidential polls in Togo came to a close, reports emerged that troops had been deployed to the home of opposition candidate, Agbeyome Kodjo. The move has sparked concerns about the integrity of the electoral process and the potential for violence.

Kodjo, a former prime minister, is running against incumbent President Faure Gnassingbe, who has been in power since 2005. The opposition candidate has accused the government of rigging the election, and tensions have been running high in the lead-up to the vote.

The deployment of troops to Kodjo's home has raised fears that the government may be trying to intimidate or silence the opposition. The move has also sparked concerns about the safety of voters and election observers.

The polls are expected to be a closely contested race, with both candidates claiming to have the support of a majority of the population. The outcome of the election is likely to have significant implications for the future of Togo's democracy and the country's relations with the international community.

I hope this summary helps!