Tribunal leave justice ijorhor alone group tells a ibom apc

It appears that there is a controversy surrounding Justice Ijorhor, a judge in Nigeria, and the APC (All Progressives Congress) in Akwa Ibom State.

From the context, it seems that a group is urging the APC in Akwa Ibom State to leave Justice Ijorhor alone, implying that the party is being unfair or unjust towards the judge. The phrase "tribunal leave justice Ijorhor alone" suggests that the group is asking the APC to desist from any actions that may be perceived as harassment or intimidation of the judge.

It's possible that Justice Ijorhor is involved in a political controversy or has made a ruling that has upset the APC in Akwa Ibom State. Without more information, it's difficult to say exactly what is happening, but it appears that the group is advocating for the judge's rights and urging the APC to respect his independence and impartiality.

If you have any more context or information about this situation, I'd be happy to help you understand it better!