Transnet news

Here are some recent news articles and updates about Transnet, a South African state-owned freight and logistics company:

Recent News

  1. Transnet's R159 billion recapitalization plan approved: The South African government has approved Transnet's R159 billion recapitalization plan, which aims to modernize the company's infrastructure and improve its financial performance. (Source: Business Day)
  2. Transnet's cargo volumes decline due to COVID-19 pandemic: Transnet's cargo volumes have declined by 12% in the first half of the 2020/21 financial year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which has impacted global trade and economic activity. (Source: Fin24)
  3. Transnet's rail network upgrade to improve efficiency: Transnet is upgrading its rail network to improve efficiency and reduce congestion, with a focus on the busy coal and iron ore routes. (Source: Engineering News)
  4. Transnet's port operations affected by COVID-19 lockdown: Transnet's port operations have been affected by the COVID-19 lockdown, with some terminals experiencing reduced volumes and delays. (Source: Ports & Ships)
  5. Transnet's new CEO appointed: Siyabonga Gama has been appointed as the new CEO of Transnet, replacing Brian Molefe who resigned in 2019. (Source: Business Day)

Recent Developments

  1. Transnet's R23 billion locomotive deal: Transnet has signed a R23 billion deal with a consortium of companies to supply 1,064 new locomotives to replace its aging fleet. (Source: Engineering News)
  2. Transnet's R10 billion port upgrade: Transnet is upgrading its port facilities at the Port of Ngqura in the Eastern Cape, with a focus on increasing capacity and improving efficiency. (Source: Fin24)
  3. Transnet's R5 billion rail upgrade: Transnet is upgrading its rail network in the Western Cape, with a focus on improving safety and reducing congestion. (Source: Engineering News)


  1. Transnet's debt levels: Transnet has significant debt levels, which have been a concern for the company and the government. (Source: Business Day)
  2. Transnet's aging infrastructure: Transnet's infrastructure is aging and in need of upgrade, which has been a challenge for the company. (Source: Engineering News)
  3. Transnet's competition from private operators: Transnet faces competition from private operators in the freight and logistics sector, which has impacted its market share. (Source: Fin24)

I hope this information is helpful!