Transfer visa to new passport uk

A common question!

If you're a UK citizen and you're due to renew your passport, you may be wondering what happens to your existing visa. Don't worry, I've got the answers for you!

Can I transfer my visa to my new passport?

Yes, you can transfer your existing visa to your new passport. This process is called "visa transfer" or "passport renewal with existing visa". Here's what you need to do:

  1. Check if your visa is eligible for transfer: Not all visas are eligible for transfer. Check your visa's conditions to see if it's eligible. If it's not, you may need to apply for a new visa.
  2. Apply for a new passport: You'll need to apply for a new passport using the UK Government's online application service. You can do this up to 9 months before your current passport expires.
  3. Include your existing passport with your application: When you apply for your new passport, make sure to include your existing passport with your application. This will help the authorities to transfer your visa to your new passport.
  4. Wait for your new passport to arrive: Once your new passport is issued, your existing visa will be transferred to the new passport. This may take a few weeks, depending on the processing time.

What if my visa is not eligible for transfer?

If your visa is not eligible for transfer, you'll need to apply for a new visa in your new passport. You can do this by:

  1. Applying online: You can apply for a new visa online using the UK Government's online application service.
  2. Attending a visa application centre: If you're unable to apply online, you can attend a visa application centre in person.
  3. Providing required documents: You'll need to provide the required documents, including your new passport, proof of identity, and any other relevant documents.

Tips and reminders