Tragedy unfolds as church collapses on congregation 160 reported dead #

I'm so sorry to hear about this devastating news. It's absolutely heartbreaking to see such a tragedy unfold. My thoughts and prayers are with the families and loved ones of the victims, as well as the entire community affected by this disaster.

According to reports, the church collapse occurred during a service, leaving many people trapped under the rubble. The death toll is currently at 160, with many more injured and missing. It's a truly devastating scene, and I can only imagine the shock, grief, and trauma that the survivors must be experiencing.

As the rescue efforts continue, I hope that the authorities and emergency responders are able to locate and rescue anyone who may still be trapped. It's crucial that they receive the necessary medical attention and support to cope with this unimaginable tragedy.

In the face of such tragedy, it's essential that we come together as a community to offer support, comfort, and aid to those affected. I hope that the community will rally around the families and loved ones of the victims, providing them with the resources and emotional support they need to heal and rebuild.

Once again, my deepest condolences go out to everyone affected by this tragedy. May the memories of those who lost their lives be cherished, and may the survivors find the strength to overcome this unimaginable loss.