Traffic violations 2143 drivers undergo mental test frsc #

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Headline: 2143 Drivers Undergo Mental Test as FRSC Cracks Down on Traffic Violations

Summary: The Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC) in Nigeria has conducted a mental test on 2143 drivers who were involved in traffic violations. The test was aimed at identifying drivers who are mentally unfit to operate vehicles on the roads.

Key Points:

  1. The FRSC conducted the mental test as part of its efforts to reduce the number of road accidents and fatalities in the country.
  2. The test was administered to drivers who were involved in traffic violations, including speeding, reckless driving, and failure to wear seatbelts.
  3. The mental test was designed to assess the drivers' cognitive abilities, including their attention, memory, and decision-making skills.
  4. The FRSC has vowed to take stern action against drivers who fail the mental test, including revoking their driver's licenses and imposing heavy fines.
  5. The agency has also called on drivers to maintain a high level of alertness and attention while driving to avoid accidents.

Quote: "We are not just looking at the physical aspect of driving, we are also looking at the mental aspect. We want to ensure that drivers are mentally fit to operate vehicles on our roads." - FRSC spokesperson

Conclusion: The FRSC's initiative to conduct mental tests on drivers involved in traffic violations is a welcome development in the country's efforts to improve road safety. By identifying and addressing mental health issues among drivers, the agency can help reduce the number of accidents and fatalities on Nigerian roads.