Traditional catholic news

Here are some traditional Catholic news sources and websites:

  1. EWTN News: The official news service of the Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN), a global Catholic media network.
  2. Catholic News Agency (CNA): A leading source of Catholic news and information, with a focus on traditional Catholic teachings and values.
  3. The Wanderer: A traditional Catholic newspaper that has been in publication since 1880, covering news, commentary, and analysis from a conservative Catholic perspective.
  4. The Remnant: A traditional Catholic newspaper that has been in publication since 1967, known for its conservative and traditionalist views on Catholic issues.
  5. Catholic Family News: A traditional Catholic newspaper that focuses on news, commentary, and analysis from a conservative Catholic perspective.
  6. The Latin Mass Magazine: A magazine dedicated to promoting the Traditional Latin Mass and traditional Catholic practices.
  7. Rorate Caeli: A blog that provides news, commentary, and analysis on Catholic issues, with a focus on traditional Catholic teachings and values.
  8. Catholic World Report: A online magazine that covers news, commentary, and analysis on Catholic issues, with a focus on traditional Catholic teachings and values.
  9. The Catholic Thing: A website that provides news, commentary, and analysis on Catholic issues, with a focus on traditional Catholic teachings and values.
  10. One Peter Five: A website that provides news, commentary, and analysis on Catholic issues, with a focus on traditional Catholic teachings and values.

Some popular traditional Catholic blogs include:

  1. Rorate Caeli: A blog that provides news, commentary, and analysis on Catholic issues, with a focus on traditional Catholic teachings and values.
  2. The Remnant: A blog that provides news, commentary, and analysis on Catholic issues, with a focus on traditional Catholic teachings and values.
  3. Catholic Action for Faith and Family: A blog that provides news, commentary, and analysis on Catholic issues, with a focus on traditional Catholic teachings and values.
  4. The Catholic Herald: A blog that provides news, commentary, and analysis on Catholic issues, with a focus on traditional Catholic teachings and values.
  5. The New Liturgical Movement: A blog that provides news, commentary, and analysis on liturgical issues, with a focus on traditional Catholic practices.

Please note that while these sources are considered traditional Catholic, they may not always reflect the views of the Catholic Church as a whole. It's always important to approach news and information with a critical eye and to consult multiple sources to form a well-rounded understanding of Catholic issues.