Traders at onitsha market lament return of fake drug cartel alerts nafdac

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Traders at Onitsha Market Lament Return of Fake Drug Cartel, Alert NAFDAC

Traders at the famous Onitsha Market in Anambra State have expressed concern over the resurgence of fake drug cartels in the market, calling on the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC) to take immediate action to curb the menace.

The traders, who spoke to our correspondent, alleged that the fake drug cartels have returned to the market, selling substandard and counterfeit drugs to unsuspecting customers.

"We are worried about the return of these fake drug cartels to our market," said Mrs. Ngozi Okoro, a trader at the market. "We have seen them selling fake drugs, including antibiotics, painkillers, and other medications. It's a serious concern for us and for the health of our customers."

Another trader, Mr. Chukwuemeka Nwosu, added, "We have been complaining about this issue for months, but nothing seems to be done. The fake drug cartels are back, and they are selling their products openly in the market. It's a disaster waiting to happen."

The traders alleged that the fake drug cartels are using fake labels and packaging to make their products look authentic, and that they are targeting vulnerable customers, including pregnant women and children.

"We have seen women buying these fake drugs, thinking they are genuine, and then they come back to us, complaining of side effects," said Mrs. Okoro. "It's a serious issue, and we need NAFDAC to take action to stop it."

The traders called on NAFDAC to increase its surveillance in the market and to take stern action against the fake drug cartels.

"We want NAFDAC to come to our market and check the products being sold here," said Mr. Nwosu. "We want them to arrest and prosecute the fake drug cartels. We want to be sure that our customers are buying genuine products."

NAFDAC has been contacted for comment, but as of the time of filing this report, no response had been received.

The return of fake drug cartels to Onitsha Market is a serious concern, not just for the traders, but for the entire community. It is imperative that NAFDAC takes immediate action to curb this menace and ensure that only genuine products are sold in the market.