Trade the news review

Here's a review of the latest news in the world of trade:

Top Stories:

  1. US-China Trade Talks Resume: The US and China have resumed trade talks in Beijing, with both sides looking to make progress on a deal. The talks come after a 10-day hiatus, during which time the US imposed new tariffs on $300 billion worth of Chinese goods.
  2. UK-EU Trade Talks Hit Snag: The UK and EU have hit a snag in their trade talks, with the EU refusing to budge on its demands for a "level playing field" in areas such as state aid and labor standards. The UK has warned that a no-deal Brexit is becoming increasingly likely if a deal is not reached.
  3. US-Mexico Trade Deal Signed: The US and Mexico have signed a new trade deal, replacing the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). The deal, known as the US-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), aims to boost trade and investment between the two countries.
  4. China's Trade Surplus Widens: China's trade surplus has widened to a record high, driven by a surge in exports to the US. The surplus has raised concerns about the impact on the global economy and the US-China trade war.
  5. India's Trade Policy Review: The World Trade Organization (WTO) has launched a review of India's trade policies, amid concerns about the country's use of tariffs and other trade barriers. The review is expected to focus on India's recent trade policies, including its decision to impose tariffs on US goods.

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