Tottenham hotspurs aurier does not need newspapers to correct his game

I think I understand what you're saying!

You're suggesting that Serge Aurier, a right-back for Tottenham Hotspur, doesn't need to read newspapers to improve his game. In other words, he's a professional footballer who can focus on his training and coaching to develop his skills, rather than relying on media coverage to correct his mistakes.

That's a fair point! While newspapers and other media outlets can provide valuable insights and analysis, they're not a substitute for dedicated practice and coaching. Aurier, like any professional athlete, likely has a team of coaches and trainers working with him to identify areas for improvement and develop strategies to overcome his weaknesses.

So, in this sense, you're right - Aurier doesn't need newspapers to correct his game. His focus should be on putting in the hard work on the training pitch, rather than relying on external sources to tell him what he's doing wrong.