Tottenham forced back to drawing board after champions league collapse

Tottenham Hotspur's Champions League campaign has come to an abrupt end after a disappointing 4-0 defeat to Manchester City in the quarterfinals. The loss marks the third consecutive year that Spurs have failed to advance to the semifinals of the competition.

The defeat was a crushing blow to the team's morale and has forced them to go back to the drawing board to regroup and reassess their strategy. The team's lack of depth and consistency in the squad has been a major concern, and the defeat to City has highlighted the need for significant improvements.

Spurs' manager, Mauricio Pochettino, has been under pressure to deliver a strong performance in the Champions League, and the defeat will only add to the scrutiny. The team's failure to win a major trophy in over 30 years has been a major disappointment for the fans, and the defeat to City will only add to the frustration.

The team's players will need to regroup and refocus if they are to have any chance of success in the remaining competitions. The Premier League and FA Cup are still up for grabs, and Spurs will need to show significant improvement if they are to have any chance of winning either competition.

In the meantime, the team's fans will be left to wonder what could have been if Spurs had been able to overcome their opponents and advance to the semifinals. The defeat will be a major setback for the team, but it is not the end of the world. Spurs will need to learn from their mistakes and come back stronger if they are to achieve their goals.