Toronto to new york bus fare

The bus fare from Toronto to New York City depends on the bus company, route, and type of ticket you choose. Here are some approximate prices for popular bus companies:

  1. Greyhound Canada:
    • One-way ticket: CAD $50-$70 (approximately USD $38-$53)
    • Round-trip ticket: CAD $90-$140 (approximately USD $68-$105)
  2. FlixBus:
    • One-way ticket: CAD $30-$50 (approximately USD $23-$38)
    • Round-trip ticket: CAD $60-$100 (approximately USD $46-$77)
  3. Megabus:
    • One-way ticket: CAD $20-$40 (approximately USD $15-$30)
    • Round-trip ticket: CAD $40-$80 (approximately USD $30-$61)
  4. BoltBus:
    • One-way ticket: CAD $20-$40 (approximately USD $15-$30)
    • Round-trip ticket: CAD $40-$80 (approximately USD $30-$61)
  5. Trailways:
    • One-way ticket: CAD $40-$60 (approximately USD $30-$46)
    • Round-trip ticket: CAD $80-$120 (approximately USD $61-$92)

Please note that prices may vary depending on the time of booking, demand, and availability. It's always a good idea to check the bus company's website or a ticketing website like Wanderu for the most up-to-date prices.

Additionally, you may want to consider the following:

It's always a good idea to check with the bus company for any additional fees or charges before booking your ticket.